14 Ways Hospice Patients Have Said They’re Ready to Die

Compiled by Lizzy Miles
These are statements made by hospice patient to me over the years indicating their readiness to die. I recognized there was a beauty in the variety of ways the patients chose to express their wishes.
- “If something is going to happen, let it happen. Life is getting less interesting as the days go by.”
- “Sometimes I wonder why they’ve all gone and I’m still here.”
- “When I go to bed I always wonder if this will be the time I die.”
- “I’ve done it all I’ve seen it all. I could step out.”
- “I’m ready to get up and jump around”
- “I’m 93 and anything can happen at any time. I have no qualms.”
- “I was put on this earth to die. Today is just as good as tomorrow. We’re all going to die. I can’t control it.”
- “Right now heavenly home is home. They tell me we’ll see our loved ones and never have to say goodbye. That would be wonderful.”
- “Get me out of here.”
- “I’m waiting to ring the bell.”
- “I know we’re not going to be here forever. Hereafter is another home. It ain’t no temporary home. It’s permanent and there are no utility bills. No taxes.”
- “I just want to go home.”
- “My goal is to wonder how I fill the days until my days are gone.”
- “I think it would be nice if every single person in the world had a button to push to say, ‘okay I’m ready’.”