Accidental Falls Are One of the Primary Causes of Elderly Death

Injuries are very common among the elderly and while many of these are unintentional they account for about 85% of deaths every year. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, between 2012 and 2013 alone adults aged 65 and older suffered injuries or died from accidental falls. This is absolutely one of the primary reasons why the medical community is making steps to lower these risks within elderly communities. Many medical providers are offering more in home services for the elderly to lower the risks of falling. This is just one helpful technique being applied to improve daily life among the older population.
There are many reasons for fatal falls within the older population as well, sometimes these are due to visual impairments and even side effects related to medication. The sad fact is that many deaths and injuries related to falls have steadily increased since 2013. Now, some experts do claim that the rise in these falls might be due to higher reported incidents too. In the past many of these went unreported because elderly citizens feared being restricted or losing their independence entirely. Some would also say that motor vehicle accidents and also taking prescribed medications improperly are also some of the leading causes of fatalities among the elderly. It’s time to look at some ways this can be minimized and managed far better.
The current medical costs due to repeat medical visits and hospitalizations related to falls and other accidental injuries is around $34 billion currently. However, physicians are really working to implement safety strategies which appear to be working to lower costs and improve quality of life for many senior citizens. There are still some other factors to consider.
Improving Life and Minimizing Fall Risks for the Elderly Population
Before we list some tips and strategies to help minimize fall risks, let’s point out that there are several other serious risks facing senior citizens too. Many older people suffer with asphyxia and choking, almost as often as accidental falls. Those 65 years of age are apparently at more risk here too. If these various health complications can be better controlled lives can be saved, which is the goal of the medical community. So, on to these various strategies to hopefully make a difference in regards to unintentional falls.
- Medical practitioners can screen patients to find out if they are fall risks. From here they can implement strategies that will safeguard and minimize risks for these individuals.
- General practitioners and other medical professionals can also closely monitor the dosage of medications patients take to determine if this is perhaps the reason for them falling or struggling to maintain their balance.
- Did you know something as simple as a vitamin deficiency can be the culprit for so many falls? Practitioners can test for these kind of deficiencies and make a health management plan to counteract adverse circumstances.
The bottom line here is with the right kind of management, planning and appropriate caregiving—improved quality of life can be obtained. The elderly don’t have to suffer and worry about what they are going to do on their own. If you’re a caregiver worried about your loved one there are resources out there that will help! Start doing your research today and become pro-active. If you can encourage your loved one to become active in their treatment plan, it will make a world of difference and can actually lower so many of these health risks!