African American Research Recruitment: Building Trust (Research, Video 2:10)

An example of a church-based end-of-life dementia education research project was conducted at four large urban African American churches. Serious trust building is needed in the church community to recruit African Americans for church-based hospice and palliative care research. Not surprisingly, church leaders voiced mistrust concerns, including mistrust concerns of previous researchers who conducted investigations in their faith-based institutions. The following strategies were used to decrease the mistrust concerns:
1) Face-to-face, in-depth interviews were conducted from a convenient sample of four established AA church leaders.
2) Interviews were held in the informants’ churches to promote candor and comfort in revealing sensitive information about trust /mistrust.
3) Content analysis framework was used to analyze the data.
4) Elements identified from the analysis were then used to create themes about positive and negative experiences with researchers, violation of trust, and trust building strategies.
In conclusion, findings suggest that researchers who wish to conduct successful studies in African American religious institutions must implement trust-rebuilding strategies that include mutual respect, collaboration, and partnership building. If general moral practices continue to be violated, future hospice and palliative care research within the institutions may be threatened. If this happens, benefits of church members, the African American community, and advancement of end-of-life care all suffer.
In the following video, Dr. Janel Johnson of the National Institute on Aging emphasizes the important need for African American volunteers in research studies in order to treat various diseases effectively, particularly as disease treatments have become more person-centered and working better for different people.
Frances Shani Parker, Author
Becoming Dead Right: A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes is available in paperback and e-book editions in America and other countries at online and offline booksellers.