Spirituality & Aging – Blessing the Threshold

By Cyndy Marsh
In her book Winter Grace Kathleen Fischer writes, “A spirituality of aging must help us find a way to turn losses into gains, to learn how the stripping process which often accompanies aging can be a gradual entrance into freedom and new life. . .”
When we’ve reached the age where life stops giving us things and starts stripping them away, that is precisely the time when many of us begin to contemplate or even further embrace our spiritual side. Perhaps it’s because much of our physicality begins to slow down that our inner being takes on a more prominent and reflective role. As author, Joan Chittister fittingly writes in her book on aging, The Gift of Years, “This is the period of spiritual reflection, of spiritual renewal in life. Now is the time to ask ourselves what kind of person we have been becoming all these years. And do we like that person?”
That kind of introspective thinking does not come easily and is probably more evident as we approach the aging journey. The challenges of aging are many and it offers us all an opportunity to either take it on with a certain amount of dread and complaints about what may lie ahead or go for the gold and tread triumphantly onward seizing the blessings of each threshold we encounter along the way.
Each year mmLearn.org presents a Spirituality & Aging Conference with noted and gifted speakers. Once again, this conference is being offered as an online, web-based forum to enable all caregivers an opportunity to view these exceptional videos at their convenience. Presenters examine the significance of spirituality and aging and the effects on the caregiver.
We are truly excited to invite you to watch our 5th Annual Spirituality & Aging Conference: Blessing the Threshold!
Sylvia Maddox: Blessing at the Threshold
Spirituality and prayer retreat/workshop leader and professor of religious studies – Sylvia introduces the conference with an overall presentation on Spirituality & Aging. A beautiful guiding of the aging milestones leading towards each threshold in life. WATCH NOW
Dennis Smith – Ministry in Long Term Care
A returning and popular presenter Dennis, a Chaplain at Morningside Ministries, offers his thoughts on the joys and challenges of aging from his experience ministering to aging adults in long term care communities. WATCH NOW
Mary Olivia Patiňo – Caregiving is a Journey of Faith, Hope and Love
Author/Writer and Spiritual Retreat Presenter – Ms. Patiňo draws on her own life experiences as a church minister as well as caring for her mom to provide caregivers with words of encouragement and insight; this presentation is also available in Spanish. WATCH NOW
Chaplain Darwin Huartson -The Emotional and Spiritual Attributes of Caregiving
Chaplain Huartson presents from his years of experience ministering to those at the end of life and their families – the emotional and spiritual attributes of caregiving from a hospice perspective. WATCH NOW
Kay Gerfers – A Christmas Prayer for Caregiver
Teacher, writer and public speaker, Kay Gerfers offers yet another timely prayer for caregivers during this Christmas Season. Kay has many thoughtful prayers and words of encouragement which have been an inspiration for many in our “Prayers for Caregivers“ series. WATCH NOW
We hope you will take some time during this busy time of the year to stop and reflect on the many blessings that can be found along the way of your own spiritual journey. All of the videos listed above from this year’s conference as well as additional videos on Spirituality & Aging can be found